ARSA News & Updates

ARSA, ATEC Participate in Compliance Webinar Hosted by HAI (Recording Available)

To keep tabs on all of ARSA’s work related to the current pandemic, visit On May 14 at 4:00 p.m. EDT, ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod and VP of…Read More

Quick Question – ARSA Activism

The inclusion of repair stations in the U.S. Congress’ pandemic relief efforts demonstrates ARSA’s impact on Capitol Hill. As the association’s legislative activism has become more and more effective over…Read More

ARSA-led Petition Would Provide FAA Path to Reciprocal Acceptance

On April 17, 14 aviation trade associations joined ARSA in delivering a petition for rulemaking to the FAA to amend 14 CFR part 43. The requested amendment would provide the…Read More

Paying More Attention to the Fed’s Main Street Loans

The following analysis was prepared for ARSA by Al Givray, law partner at the law firm of Davis Graham & Stubbs in Denver, Colorado, and general counsel to The NORDAM…Read More

Quick Question – Pandemic Response

Since the president of the United States declared on March 13 a state of national emergency concerning the novel coronavirus, ARSA has been at work on behalf of the aviation…Read More