ARSA News & Updates

ARSA Joins Multi-Industry Letter Urging Congressional Regulatory Reform

On Feb. 6, a broad coalition of industry groups led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce delivered a letter to Senate leadership urging passage of the Regulatory Accountability Act of…Read More

On Demand – Regulatory Reform Opportunities in the New Political Environment

Businesses in all sectors complain about over-regulation, inconsistent enforcement and a lack of regulator accountability.  The new administration and new Congress present the first real opportunity in years to improve…Read More

ARSA Begins Official Partnership with Remanufacturing Industries Council

On Jan. 31, ARSA and the Remanufacturing Industries Council (RIC) announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding to enhance information sharing and help involve the repair station community more…Read More

ARSA Will Build Chao’s Aviation Experience

On Jan. 31, the U.S. Senate confirmed Elaine Chao as Secretary of Transportation. After the Commerce Committee’s positive reception of Chao during her nomination hearing, the 93-6 vote was something…Read More

ARSA to New Congress: Get to Know Aviation Maintenance

On Jan. 3, ARSA’s Vice President of Legislative Affairs Daniel B. Fisher issued the following statement as the 115th Congress was sworn-in on Capitol Hill. “Congratulations to the 115th Congress. …Read More