Press Releases

FAA Confirms Receiving Tasks Not Maintenance, No D&A Testing Requirement

On May 30, the FAA issued a legal interpretation clarifying that repair station employees receiving items for stock are not performing safety sensitive functions under 14 CFR part 120 and…Read More

Don’t Punish Industry for FAA Delays, ARSA Tells Congress

To see all of ARSA’s work related to FAA reauthorization, visit As Congress begins the process of reauthorizing the FAA, ARSA is urging lawmakers not to punish the aviation maintenance industry…Read More

Let Us Tell You About It – ARSA PAC

In Washington, if you’re not at the table then you’re on the menu. Elected officials constantly consider policies that will directly impact the maintenance industry’s business. Many of them do…Read More

Trump Administration Lays Out Tax Reform Objectives

In late April, the tax policy debate in the nation’s capital took another small step forward as the Trump administration unveiled the president’s reform objectives.  While short on details, the…Read More

ARSA Announces New Preferred Shipping Program

On March 16, ARSA announced a new member benefit: the ARSA Shipping Program. Through an agreement with PartnerShip, association members have the opportunity to save substantial amounts of money on…Read More