Press Releases

ARSA Applauds Passage of FAA Reauthorization

Bill Will Allow for Continued Prosperity in Aviation Maintenance Industry ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, Feb. 8, 2012 — The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) congratulates lawmakers for finally passing long-term Federal Aviation…Read More

ARSA: Final FAA Bill Takes “Common Sense” Approach to Maintenance Oversight

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, Feb. 1, 2012 — Sarah Macleod, executive director of the Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) issued the following statement upon the release of the FAA reauthorization congressional conference…Read More

Component Control Announced As ARSA Preferred Provider for MRO and Logistics Software

ALEXANDRIA, VA, January 30, 2012 – The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) has selected Component Control as its preferred provider of maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) and logistics software solutions.…Read More

ARSA Continues Holiday Tradition with Aviation Maintenance Scholarship

ALEXANDRIA, VA, December 21, 2011 – In lieu of holiday cards and gifts to members, the Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) donated $1,000 to the Northrop Rice Foundation (NRF) for…Read More

ARSA Tells Congress to Complete FAA Reauthorization Bill

ALEXANDRIA, VA, December 5, 2011 – The uncertainty created by Congress’ failure to pass a new, multiyear reauthorization bill for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is wreaking havoc on the…Read More