
FAA Heeds ARSA Request, Withdraws Memo On Use of Technical Orders and the Alteration of Data Plates

In response to ARSA’s request, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) withdrew a controversial memorandum. The memo indicated that a repair station could not change the identification information of a component…Read More

FAA Adopts ARSA’s Recommendations in New Order

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released Order 8300.14, Repair Specification Approval Process, which defines the responsibilities of FAA personnel and designees in approving specifications for major repairs. Repair specifications are…Read More

Recording Major Repairs on Canadian Products

ARSA recently requested that Transport Canada, Civil Aviation Directorate (TCCA) adopt a uniform policy for recording major repairs performed in the U.S. on Canadian aeronautical products. Under the Maintenance Implementation…Read More

EASA and FAA Agree to Further Liberalize Repair Data Reciprocity

Effective April 1, 2007, the United States and EASA have agreed to liberalize the reciprocal acceptance of repair data “exported” between the EU and the U.S. This agreement will provide…Read More

Advisory Circular 33-XX – FAA Re-Issues Draft, Extends Comment Period

The FAA’s Engine and Propeller Directorate has re-released draft Advisory Circular (AC) 33-XX, “Turbine Engine Repairs and Alterations-Approval of Technical and Substantiation Data,” including 164 pages of appendices and repair…Read More