
Advisory Circular 43-18 and the Category Parts List

The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Aircraft Certification Service (AIR) has posted the Category Parts List (CPL) referenced in Advisory Circular (AC) 43-18 on the FAA website. Here is a link…Read More

FAA Issues InFO on Service Difficulty Reports

The FAA has released guidance clarifying the regulatory requirement for filing Service Difficulty Reports under 14 CFR § 121.703. Section 121.703 requires certificate holders to file reports with the FAA…Read More

ARSA Suggests Changes to FAA Form 8310-3

The FAA recently solicited comments on Form 8310-3, Application for Repair Station Certificate and/or Rating, as it seeks renewed approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to collect…Read More

ARSA Makes Recommendations for Audit Review Project

ARSA is working closely with international aviation authorities to reduce the overwhelming number of contract maintenance audits. The first challenge is to determine the quantifiable burden audits put on repair…Read More

ARSA Looks for Proper FAA Interpretation of Rules for Major Repair

ARSA requested that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reconsider its position regarding the applicability of “automatically defined” major repairs listed in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14…Read More