Trump Taps DHS, SBA Leaders

On Dec. 7, President-elect Donald Trump announced two cabinet selections that impact ARSA members, tapping retired general John Kelly to head the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) executive Linda McMahon to run the Small Business Administration (SBA).

Once confirmed by the Senate, Kelly will be responsible for a massive bureaucracy employing more than 240,000 people worldwide, including the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).  Since the 2014 release of the repair station security rule, both the TSA and DHS have an increased importance for aviation maintenance companies.  ARSA represents maintenance providers through service on the Aviation Security Advisory Committee, an industry panel that works with both agencies to improve operations and effectiveness.

ARSA also regularly interacts with SBA to ensure federal agencies comply with laws protecting smaller companies during the rulemaking process, such as the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act and the Regulatory Flexibility Act.

Both Kelly and McMahon must be confirmed before assuming their new positions; Senate hearings and votes are expected early next year on their nominations.  Those interested in engaging with the new administration and the 115th Congress should register for the association’s 2017 Legislative Day.

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