FAA Shutdown – Tell Your Story

On August 5, the Senate ended a two-week partial closure of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) by clearing the 21st extension of VISION 100, the 2003 law providing the agency its operating authority.Congress’ failure to legislate and provide timely authority for the FAA had serious ramifications for the agency and the nation’s aviation system. The FAA lost $30 million a day due to its inability to collect many aviation taxes. The agency also furloughed 4,000 of its “non essential” workers, and issued stop work orders on 241 aviation infrastructure projects valued at more than $8.8 billion—in turn forcing countless private sector employees out of work.

Despite these facts, little was known about the practical implications of the shutdown, especially as it relates to aviation maintenance. ARSA wants to hear your story; did the shutdown impact your business?

Please take a minute to complete ARSA’s brief survey on the FAA shutdown.

Your stories will help us explain the consequences of Congress’s inaction. Thanks for your input.

~~~ posted 08/05/11 ~~~

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