House FAA Reauthorization Imminent – Urgent Action Needed!
On March 31, (just in time for ARSA’s 2011 Annual Repair Symposium and Legislative Day), the House is scheduled to begin debate on the FAA Reauthorization & Reform Act (H.R. 658).
The legislation contains ARSA endorsed provisions regarding foreign repair stations and non-certificated maintenance providers. H.R. 658 strikes the right balance between safety, oversight, and a repair station’s ability to remain economically competitive and viable.
Urgent action will help ensure that H.R. 658 is approved with the ARSA-backed maintenance provisions (Sec. 315 and 316). Repair stations must reach out to their lawmakers and:
1. Encourage support for the repair stations provisions of H.R. 658 as passed by the T&I Committee; and,
2. Urge the Senate to adopt the foreign repair station and non-certificated maintenance language in H.R. 658 when the bill goes to conference.
If there ever was a year to attend ARSA’s Legislative Day, 2011 is surely the one! With FAA reauthorization on the floor the very same day, attendees will have a substantial impact on the debate.
House and Senate Pass 18th FAA Extension
On March 29, the House and Senate approved another extension of the most recent FAA authorization law, VISION 100.
The Airport & Airway Extension Act (H.R. 1079) is a clean continuation of FAA funding authority through the end of May. President Obama is expected to sign the legislation shortly. H.R. 1079 is necessary because a new FAA reauthorization bill will not be completed before the current extension expires on March 31.
Even if the House rapidly approves H.R. 658, substantial differences exist between the House bill and its Senate companion (S. 223). Consequently, aviation leaders from the two chambers will engage in conference negotiations to reconcile discrepancies between the proposals, necessitating another extension.