U.S. & Japan Extend IPA Implementation Date

On Jan. 30, the FAA Aircraft Certification Service’s International Division announced an extension of the compliance date for revision 1 to the Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness (IPA) between the agency and the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB). The new implementation date is March 30, 2020.

“The Authorities acknowledge the unanticipated circumstances and delays that led to the decision to extend this period and recognize the importance of fulfilling the necessary regulatory requirements to support the proper implementation of the IPA,” the announcement said.

Until the new deadline, all Japan-related validation applications submitted to the FAA will utilize the IPA signed in April 2009 (see below).

To access revision 1 of the IPA, which will become effective on March 30, click here.

To review the FAA’s announcement, click here.

To visit the FAA’s listing of bilateral agreements and related documentation, click here.

For questions related to the FAA-JCAB IPA, contact:

For the FAA

Aircraft Certification Service
International Division, AIR-40

For the JCAB

Aviation Safety and Security Department
Airworthiness Division

Previous FAA/JCAB updates...

4/27/09 - U.S. and Japan Sign Aviation Safety Agreement

April 27, 2009

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has announced the signing of a Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) and associated implementation procedures for airworthiness (IPA) between the U.S. and Japan that allows for the reciprocal certification of aircraft and aviation products.

The BASA addresses areas such as airworthiness certification, environmental testing and approvals, and technical assistance. It replaces the existing bilateral between the two countries signed in 1977, adding much more detail through the development of an IPA.

The FAA and the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) worked closely for several years to ensure their respective technical expertise and procedures for airworthiness certification meet the high standards each agency sets for aviation safety.

The BASA/IPA is important because the FAA will be able to accept standard aircraft parts and certain aircraft designs from Japanese manufacturers and JCAB will be able to do the same from U.S. manufacturers.

U.S. Embassy Charge d’Affairs ad interim James P. Zumwalt signed the agreement on behalf of the U.S. Government. Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Hirofumi Nakasone signed on behalf of the Japanese Government. Signing the IPA were FAA Acting Assistant Administrator for International Aviation Dorothy Reimold and JCAB Engineering Department Director-General Toru Miyashita.

The agreement may be found here.

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