Ensuring Fair and Effective Aviation Policy

ARSA works closely with senators and representatives to ensure fair and effective aviation policy that meets the needs of the maintenance industry while maintaining the strongest focus on safety and security.

As a heavily-regulated industry, the aviation community needs to ensure agencies, such as the FAA and TSA receive the funding they need to provide fair oversight and effective rulemaking. However, all too often legislators demand agency action but fail to equip regulators with the capabilities or capacity to respond. What’s worse, lawmakers with little understanding of aviation maintenance issues and the regulatory framework governing the industry (both globally and domestically) will often seek to micromanage repair stations by imposing new laws that don’t fit with existing regulations.

In addition to ARSA’s leadership in efforts to lift the ban on the certification of new foreign repair stations and pass the FAA bill, the Association works with lawmakers on a host of other aviation related issues. ARSA raises awareness of ICA issues among lawmakers, highlighting the repair industry’s difficulties in gaining access to these important documents. The Association’s efforts have sought to ensure that regulations are consistently and fairly enforced.

Efforts on legislative policy also include educating lawmakers about the delicate framework of international agreements that govern the aviation industry. As a truly global business, it is important that lawmakers not undermine the global backbone of aviation with short-sighted policies. The Association also fights to assure that the FAA has the resources to accomplish its missions, and keeps a watchful eye for any legislation impacting repair stations.

ARSA works with lawmakers, their staffs, and congressional aviation committees to develop an aviation policy that is responsive to the industry’s needs while also ensuring the safety and reliability of the nation’s aviation network.

The latest ARSA news regarding aviation policy is below; click here for archived content.

Repairman History Points ARAC to Certificate’s Future

On July 19, the FAA Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) delivered the final report of its Repairman Certificate Portability Working Group to FAA Rulemaking Executive Director Brandon Roberts after its…Read More

Poring Over MAG Change 9

In June, the FAA and EASA published change 9 to the Maintenance Annex Guidance issued under the bilateral agreement between the two civil aviation authorities. As described in the summary…Read More

Quick Question – Human Factors Findings for Training Development

Approved maintenance organizations with EASA, TCCA, or ANAC approval must include human factors topics in their training programs. In November 2019, change 7 of the FAA-EASA Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG)…Read More

Wait & See – The Name Game

Thank you to those who helped with the most pressing element of ARSA’s establishing a complementary 501(c)(3) charitable organization to support aerospace maintenance career development. The new organization will provide a means…Read More

ARSA Leads “Can do” Panel, EASA Shares SMS Compliance Date

From June 11-13, ARSA’s leadership team participated in the 2024 FAA-EASA International Aviation Safety Conference in Washington, DC. The annual event alternates between Cologne and the American capital city as…Read More