New Legislation to Micromanage FAA

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) introduced the Airline Maintenance Safety Act (H.R. 6002), which would require individuals authorized to approve “covered work” for return to service outside the United States on part 121 aircraft to hold a mechanic’s certificate under subpart D of part 65. It would also duplicate the requirement of part 65 that individuals be able to read, write, speak, and understand English.

Under current regulations, a certificated repair station may only authorize individuals to approve an article for return to service if they meet certain technical qualifications and understand, read, and write English. In its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to14 CFR part 145, the FAA has proposed requiring all individuals who approve work for return service to also “speak” English. This revision would align part 145 with the standards presently spelled out in part 65 and makes the proposed legislation redundant and unnecessary.

H.R. 6002 is another example of Congress attempting to micromanage the industry and the FAA. While unlikely to go anywhere, the legislation is an unwarranted distraction from Congress’ vital responsibilities.

~~~ posted 7/11/12 ~~~

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