Quick Question – Who’s Driving?

ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod recently saw Pixar’s Inside Out, so the association’s team has been reflecting on how its core emotions – Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear – drive its actions.

From Psychology Today:

“What’s really powerful about this film is how accurate it is to cognitive, developmental, and clinical psychology. The 5 emotions used in this film are in fact 5 of the 6 scientifically validated universal emotions (the 6th one being surprise)…. What messages does this movie send to its viewers? Many, actually, but perhaps the most important one is this – our emotions are all important, every single one of them. They all serve an important function and we cannot selectively feel some but not others.”

Since personal reflection is a vital element of human factors and safety management, ARSA offers this month’s “quick question” as an opportunity for self-reflection. Which of the five emotions most often drives you?

Share (anonymously) in this month’s people-focused quick question.

Note: The question is displayed in its own, embedded window. If the “Submit” button is not visible on the screen, you must scroll within the survey window to submit your response.

If the embedded survey does not appear/load, open the survey independently by visiting:

Click here to see what questions have been asked and answered…and keep a lookout for more.

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