Repair Station Training Final Advisory Circular 145-10

The FAA has issued AC 145-10, Repair Station Training Program, a 49-page guide to developing the program required under Part 145, section 145.163 (categories of training, training program components, and sample training programs).

AC 145-10 and related documents may be downloaded here.

The AC is dated July 8, 2005. Though the public normally receives notice of ACs via publication in the Federal Register (FR), it appears that the FAA has no plans to publish AC 145-10 in the FR.

FAA adopts most ARSA advice

ARSA’s initial analysis of AC 145-10 reveals that the FAA has adopted nearly all of the changes ARSA proposed in its March 22, 2005 comments on the draft AC.

At ARSA’s urging, the final version of the AC focuses on the actual performance-based requirements in the regulation, and distinguishes those instances where the FAA suggests including information or processes that the regulations do not require.

A review of AC 145-10 also confirms that the ARSA Model Training Program workbook and course will continue to meet the FAA’s expectations for required training programs under section 145.163.

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