Feed Your Need for ARSA

The updates on are a valuable resource for the aviation community. The association’s team has heard from countless sources (including aviation safety inspectors) that its website is the most-trusted resource for delivering key information in a clear, accurate way…and it often does so before anyone else.

The Dispatch newsletter delivers all of ARSA’s webposts to thousands of subscribers each week (Not getting yours? Subscribe now), but you don’t have to wait for Wednesday’s to see what’s going on. Connect to the association’s RSS feed to get immediate notification of updates and even “pipe” them directly to your own website, information portal or other resource.

By subscribing to RSS feeds using news aggregators or connecting them to existing websites, users need not visit a series of individual sites to gather all the information and intelligence needed for their work.

The address for ARSA’s RSS feed is and can be accessed using the ARSA RSS Feed icon at the top of the website. To learn about how to use these feeds, click here (link directs to Digital Trends article). For information regarding how to take advantage of ARSA’s expertise and use the association’s feed to produce content on your website, contact Brett Levanto (

Other ways to stay on top of ARSA:

(1) Follow @ARSAworks on Twitter.
(2) Make your home page.
(3) Find and share content from the association’s team in other publications, including Aviation Week, AMT Magazine, DOM Magazine, Aviation Maintenance Magazine and more…

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2025 Annual Conference – It’s On

March 18-21, 2025 Event Information | Registration | Sponsors Arlington, Virginia and Washington, D.C. with Livestream Options The association’s 2025 Annual Conference is underway  at the Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City (and live…Read More

U.S. Bilateral Update Requires SMS Compliance

On Feb. 10, the Bilateral Oversight Board (BOB) for the U.S.-European Union (EU) bilateral aviation safety agreement (BASA) issued Decision No. 13. It amends BASA Annex 2 to require U.S.-based…Read More

ARSA Survey Invite Sent

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ARSA Helps CNBC Illustrate Career Development “Challenge”

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ARSA Joins Workforce Grant Application

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