
Newsletter Transition

ARSA has taken back control of its periodical distribution and advertising sales. After 15 years of partnership with Multiview, Inc., the association’s team is now in full command of its communications for the first time since 2008.

The change presents a great opportunity for ARSA and will allow the team to open new resources for member contacts. It grants the association direct control of its distribution list (vital for its membership management) while sending newsletters directly from (easy to clear through email filters) and the opportunity to run its own in-house advertising program (so advertisers know all of their investment goes to ARSA’s good work).

(1) Be alert to the delivery (or absence) of the two current ARSA newsletters:

ARSA first sent the Dispatch newsletter on Nov. 9 and has followed with a new edition every Wednesday.

the hotline was distributed on Dec. 5 and will continue on the the first Friday of each month.

If you stop receiving these periodicals, contact ARSA immediately. The team is planning to add a new Daily Intelligence email produced by the association’s management firm to provide news, calendar, and regulatory updates every morning – stay tuned.

(2) Ensure your email systems have “marked safe” the email domain.

(3) Add to your media or communications distribution list to ensure company’s news and updates are sent to the association.

(4) Check your budget and current advertising practices to make space for your company in ARSA’s newsletters or website (and encourage your suppliers to do so).


ARSA Communications Primer

ARSA Newsletters and Outreach

Member contacts should expect to regularly receive the following general communications from the association:

Daily: The Daily Intelligence email produced by ARSA’s management firm to provide news, calendar and regulatory updates.
 The Dispatch newsletter is distributed every Wednesday (open subscription, member contacts are automatically signed up to receive).
Monthly: The hotline newsletter is distributed the first week of each month (members only).
Various:  Member alerts are distributed as necessary – the association sends them only regarding specific events, activities or updates demanding specific attention.
Membership Term Dependent: Renewal reminders begin flowing out 90 days before the expiration of membership term.

In addition to these large scale distributions, ARSA team members will use their email addresses to coordinate directly with member contacts related to association business and industry matters.

Special Advertiser Distributions

From time to time, ARSA provides a mechanism for sponsors of its Dispatch and hotline newsletters to reach readers directly through sponsored “blast” emails. Allowing this advertising option gives companies a chance to directly show their support of the association and provide useful information and resources to readers. While receiving this message, ARSA subscribers and members should be assured that:

(1) The frequency of special “blast” messages is kept to a minimum. This maintains the special focus provided to advertisers sending the messages and prevents “overload” in readers’ inboxes.
(2) Advertisers are not provided direct access to newsletter subscription lists. Messages are constructed and distributed through ARSA’s partner Multiview, which oversees its periodicals.
(3) ARSA team members review and approve all messages prior to distribution.

For questions about ARSA’s advertising options, including ways to stand up for the association through your company’s support, contact Brett Levanto.

External Solicitations

There are no external entities generally authorized to contact ARSA members on behalf of the association. The ARSA team will occasionally support partner organizations (like Oliver Wyman, which produces its Annual Global Fleet & MRO Market Report) in reaching out to the maintenance community, but always is engaged in the exchange. If you ever receive a message claiming to be sent in connection with the association but you do not recognize one of ARSA’s team members or contractors, let us know immediately.

Spam Filters and Firewalls

It can sometimes be difficult for organizations like ARSA to get messages into your inbox. To ensure you have access to every newsletter, alert and update, ensure that the following domains are on your “safe list”:

To learn more about ARSA’s communications efforts – including how to advertise – visit For assistance with technical issues, consult your organization’s IT department/assistant as necessary.

Protecting Your Inbox (and ARSA’s Reputation)

Multiple ARSA members have reported receipt of solicitation emails offering sales of “ARSA Leads” or “Delegate Lists” including association contacts. ARSA has no relationship with the senders of these messages, has not provided contact lists of any kind to “lead sales” organizations and would never knowingly allow an outside party to solicit its members without clearly explaining the organization’s relationship to the association.

What to do…

If you receive this or any other outreach claiming an ARSA connection and you are unsure about its validity:

(1) Review the outline of ARSA’s communications practices below to see how the message could fit.
(2) Contact ARSA Vice President of Operations Brett Levanto for further clarification or to report a fraudulent message.
(3) If/when you are sure the message is fraudulent, submit a report to or an equivalent government entity if you are located outside the United States.


ReportFraud Logo

For more information about protecting yourself from email-based scams, visit the U.S. Federal Trade Commission website.

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