Aviation Maintenance

ARSA Stands Up for FAA Stakeholder Engagement, Delegation

In an April 24 letter to leaders of the House Transportation & Infrastructure and Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committees, the association expressed its concerns about statements and proposals by…Read More

Global Good Sense Recognized by First-Ever Joint Weston Award

On March 15, ARSA gave its 2019 Leo Weston Award to two exceptional individuals from member companies. Werner Luehmann, head of regulatory compliance and authorities’ liaison at Lufthansa Technik and…Read More

Maintenance Industry Honors Graves, Lipinski for Aviation Workforce Leadership

On March 13, the aviation maintenance industry honored U.S. Reps. Sam Graves (R-Mo.) and Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) for addressing the chronic shortage of technicians threating to undermine the growth and…Read More

New DCT Notice Without New DCT Policy

On Feb. 22, the FAA issued Notice 8900.503, Policy Change for Applicants/Certificate Holders Submitting Information Using the SAS External Portal and Data Collection Tools (DCTs). The Notice was issued because…Read More

UPDATED: IATA-CFMI Agreement Review

UPDATE: As reported by MRO Network, the commercial agreement between IATA and CFMI takes effect on Feb. 28, seven months after its signature. The resources linked from the following post have…Read More