Part 145

On-Demand Training – Preparing for, Receiving & Responding to an LOI or NPCP

Produced at the end of 2018, these three online training sessions build on the association’s “dealing with the government” resources to provide applied skills in managing letters of investigation and…Read More

On-Demand Training – Part Marking

Part Marking Instructors: Sarah MacLeod, Christian A. Klein & Brett Levanto Description: This session outlines the basic rules for aviation part marking and identification and reviews applicable guidance as it…Read More

What Election 2018 Means for Maintenance

The dust from the 2018 midterm elections is still settling, but here are some initial thoughts on what the results mean for ARSA members: House Freshman Class Creates Risks and…Read More

HAECO Americas’ Latimer Returns to ARSA Presidency

The ARSA board of directors has elected David Latimer as ARSA’s new president, the association’s senior volunteer leadership position. Latimer is senior vice president of regulatory compliance for HAECO Americas,…Read More

Upcoming Aircraft Certification Courses in Singapore

The FAA has announced available seats in upcoming agency-instructed training at the Singapore Aviation Academy: Continued Operational Safety (begins Oct. 29) and Aviation Fuel and Propulsion Lubricants – Certifications and New…Read More