Repair Station

Looking Back to Move Forward on Workforce Policy

On Nov. 10, ARSA Vice President of Operations Brett Levanto participated in Global ATS-V. The international event was the online replacement for multiple aviation training trade shows overseen annually by…Read More

Fortner Leadership Will Balance Long Experience with New Energy

During its 2020 annual meeting, ARSA’s board of directors elected Gary Fortner to the association’s senior volunteer leadership position. Fortner, vice president of engineering for Fortner Engineering in Glendale, California,…Read More

ARSA Talks Worldwide Pandemic Impacts with Russian Aviation Leaders

ARSA Executive Vice President Christian A. Klein traveled (via the magical powers of remote connectivity) to Moscow, Russia on Oct. 20 to participate in the 2020 Regional Aviation of Russia…Read More

Top U.S. States Bear Heavy Pandemic Burden

To keep tabs on all of ARSA’s work related to the current pandemic, visit As part of ARSA’s ongoing advocacy in support of additional economic relief for the aviation maintenance…Read More

Quick Question – Your Election Opportunity

In the August 2020 edition of ARSA’s hotline newsletter, Executive Vice President Christian A. Klein attributed the association’s increasing clout on Capitol Hill with its strong network of legislative allies.…Read More