Repair Station

Hotline Highlight – Crawfish with Charlie

The hotline – ARSA’s premier member newsletter – contains news, editorial content, analysis and resources for the aviation maintenance community. All members should ensure they receive their edition the first…Read More

Quick Question – Inventory Costs for EASA Compliance

Since the FAA withdrew its of acceptance of ARSA’s E100 form in 2022, ARSA has been engaged with American and European regulators trying to address major misunderstandings related to parts…Read More

Further Clarifying Part 145 using “Current Data” Proposal

On May 1, ARSA and three other trade associations commented on the FAA’s notice of proposed rulemaking addressing “miscellaneous maintenance-related updates.” The NPRM would remove the requirement from § 145.109…Read More

Help Assess Commercialization of Anti-Corrosion Technology

ARSA has been approached by a government contractor preparing a Commercialization Readiness Assessment Report for a product developed through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program.  The product being assessed…Read More

Focusing on Falsification in FAA Proposal

On April 8, ARSA and four other industry trade associations commented on an FAA notice of proposed rulemaking to consolidate the many falsification sections across 14 CFR into a single…Read More