Repair Station

Inhofe Introduces Bill to Expand Due Process Protections [With ARSA’s Help]

On Feb. 26, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) introduced the Pilot’s Bill of Rights II (S. 571), legislation to expand due process protections for FAA certificate holders.  Companion legislation was also…Read More

8130-3 Forms: “Not for Export” Still Not Required

If you are paying attention to ARSA Works, you will not be surprised by the Dec. 8 FAA memorandum reminding inspectors and designees about the appropriate use of Block 12…Read More

The Lame Duck Home Stretch: Funding Federal Government, Extenders Top Agenda

The roller coaster ride on Capitol Hill continued during Thanksgiving week, as House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced a…Read More

FAA’s Word on Bonded Repair Size Limits – Final Policy

On Nov. 24, the FAA issued a final policy (PS-AIR-100-14-130-001) regarding bonded repair size limits. ARSA’s regulatory team is currently reviewing…Stay tuned.   Previously from ARSA… ARSA’s Word on Bonded…Read More

The One ARSA Missed: Type Certificated Cabbages?

On Nov. 12, the FAA corrected another seven-letter mistake in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) that ARSA and farmers around the world missed. The agency updated 14 CFR part…Read More