The QUR and Good Government

Although it appears the FAA “cancelled” the quarterly utilization report (QUR), ARSA submitted a request for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to visit the issue and review the OMB process of originally approving, and continually renewing, the QUR data collection. In its April 30, 2010 letter, ARSA pointed out that: no documentation exists to show that applicable law was followed in issuing QUR approval; the practical application of the QUR is unclear; and the current and future status of the QUR is uncertain.

To remedy those issues, ARSA asked the OMB to: determine that the QUR approval process complied with applicable law; make the underlying documents used in QUR approval available to the public; and clarify whether the QUR is still available for use by the FAA or “cancelled”. On that last point, the letter suggests that if the QUR is still “active” then its scope should be clearly defined (i.e., who is covered; is reporting mandatory or voluntary), and if the QUR is in fact cancelled, then OMB should immediately rescind the approval.

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