Engaging Industry Through U.S. Chamber

On Sept. 6, ARSA Executive Vice President Christian A. Klein attended a meeting of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Transportation Infrastructure & Logistics Committee in Washington, D.C.

Klein is a long-time TILC member. The committee is composed of business executives representing transportation providers and users as well as related associations and members of state and local chambers of commerce. The TILC is the Chamber’s primary policy-originating body on transportation policy issues. In addition to aviation, the committee addresses surface, rail, and marine transportation and water infrastructure. 

The Sept. 6 event featured a keynote presentation by House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), one of the most influential lawmakers involved in transportation policy on Capitol Hill. Shuster briefed attendees on the status of FAA reauthorization, saying negotiations between the House and Senate were ongoing with the goal of completing work on a final bill before the FAA’s authority lapses on Sept. 30.

The meeting also included discussions about grassroots engagement to support enactment of a major transportation infrastructure package in 2019 and an update on water infrastructure legislation.

Klein used the meeting as an opportunity to brief his fellow TILC members about ARSA’s lobbying campaign to create a new aviation maintenance workforce grant program and encourage other organizations to join the ARSA-led supporting coalition. Given the cross-industry impact of the technical skills gap, there was significant interest in the initiative.

The Chamber is the world’s largest business organization, representing the interests of more than three million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions. Its members range from small companies and local chambers to leading industry associations and large corporations.

“The Chamber is an important ARSA ally and the TILC an excellent forum to gain knowledge, share intelligence and network with other transportation advocates,” Klein said. “The more aviation associations and companies that participate, the more prominent our issues and industry will be.”

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