Youth Task Force Wraps with ‘Can’t Wait’ Message

On Sept. 22, the FAA-managed Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force held its final public meeting. The body closed its two-year run by delivering its congressionally mandated report and handing government and industry a checklist for improving aviation career opportunities.

After a kick-off address by Acting FAA Administrator Billy Nolen and a recorded speech by Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, Task Force Chair Sharon DeVivo walked through the group’s recommendations. Those proposals align into four categories:

(1) Early awareness and engagement. Though the task force’s charter targets high school students, DeVivo noted: “We can’t wait until they’re in high school until we get them, we have to feed that pathway so they’re ready.”

(2) Information access. The “connective tissue” of the report’s findings is communication and resource management.

(3) Collaboration. All aerospace stakeholders must follow and build on current models (e.g., the aviation workforce grant programs) that stimulate connection among and between employers, schools, community organizations, labor groups, and every level of government.

(4) Addressing financial hurdles. Not only is cost a barrier to entry for many careers requiring specific training and/or certification, but there are also structural limitations – including restrictive regulatory practices – that hold back innovation and limit career growth compared to other industries.

After the presentation, task force members – including ARSA Vice President of Operations Brett Levanto – discussed key lessons learned across their years of research together. Notably, the representatives highlighted the importance of reaching previous under-represented groups in order to expand the quality and size of the talent pool available to aerospace employers.

What’s next?

The task force’s report has been published on the FAA’s committee website (and is linked below). ARSA encourages all members to review its contents and consider individual actions that can be taken while the association presses larger policy objectives (like overhauling FAA training acceptance).

To access the agency’s committee webpage, click here.

To download the report, click here.

To view a recording of the meeting, click here or use the viewer below.

Previously from ARSA on the Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force…

1/20/22 - Youth Task Force Looks Outward

January 20, 2022

On Jan. 20, the FAA hosted the fifth public meeting of the Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force.

The session included updates from each of the task force’s four subcommittees, but embraced a more open discussion format than previous gatherings. For two and a half hours, representatives from each segment of the aviation industry shared updates, asked questions, offered suggestions and considered new ideas related to skill development and career growth.

The key element of the group’s engagement – and an opportunity for ARSA member assistance – was in improving outreach to educators, guidance counselors and parents. These individuals represent a major influence on youth career development perspectives and interests, but have been most elusive for task force surveys and outreach; since most of the participants in the work have aviation focused or regionally grounded work, it has been a challenge to broadly engage those not already in the industry or at least in technically focused fields.

ARSA Member Action

To assist in outreach, contact ARSA with information about school contacts, interest groups or community organizations with which you’re engaged that could be conduits for seeking information (through survey distribution, focus groups or simply review of ongoing communications or resources.

Public Viewing

The group’s larger discussion also included issues that have become regular subjects of career and workforce development efforts: stackable credentials, marketing opportunities and information sharing. To view a recording of the livestream on the FAA’s YouTube Channel, click here or enable the video below.


10/8/21 - Beyond Benevolence with FAA Youth Task Force

October 8, 2021

On Oct. 8, the FAA convened the fourth public meeting of the Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force.

The session followed the task force’s usual format: updates from each of its subcommittees followed by a special discussion with industry or community stakeholders. The group welcomed Amy Spowart, president and CEO of the National Aviation Hall of Fame and Jennifer Baxmeyer, executive director of the Cradle of Aviation Museum.

Spowart and Baxmeyer contributed to an expansive conversation of aviation resources, talent development programs and in-development efforts to make industry operations front-of-mind for American students of all ages. These opportunities range from direct-to-employment training to elementary school curricula introducing kids to “Will and Orv” as part of an in-development PBS Kids program.

Considering these programs, Centura College Executive Vice President Joel English outlined concern for limiting cost burdens on training program participants and how sustainability demands getting beyond dependence on “giving and benevolence.” Free access to aviation is vital to inspiring youth; the costs of that investment balance against the returns in the form of skill and personnel growth.

Brett Levanto, ARSA vice president of operations, pivoted from general “benevolence” to specific focus on the FAA. During open discussion, Levanto highlighted to association’s focus on “finding the workforce” within the initiatives already underway within the agency.

“We need to recognize and communicate that this is all connected,” Levanto said after the meeting. “We can’t ‘inspire’ aviation careers if the FAA isn’t proactive in growing its own capacity to adapt to the industry and train its people to facilitate good business as well as good safety. We’re talking about selling the youth of America on new and exciting technology in a dynamic industry; we need government oversight that reflects that.”

Task force members are developing recommendations for its report back to Congress. In the coming months, members will focus on general areas including collaboration and engagement, as well as specific concepts for making career information available to educators – whose impact on students is considerable – and seeking reliable funding streams for constant growth.

ARSA Member Actions

Association members have long identified workforce and career development as a pressing challenge facing the maintenance industry. To help the task force, ARSA asks two things:

(1) Learn about the task force’s work by reviewing the content on this page or visiting the committee page on the FAA website, then share workforce development thoughts, questions, needs or lessons learned to

(2) Help distribute the educator survey developed by Levanto’s colleagues on the Trends Subcommittee. If your company has relationships with local educational institutions or programs, send them the following message (or similar written communication):

Dear Educator,

The Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force (YIATF) needs your help. YIATF is an advisory group established to provide the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with recommendations that will encourage students to pursue in-demand careers in aviation. The group is examining trends that directly or indirectly encourage or discourage young people from pursuing aviation careers. To assist the Task Force in understanding the role of the educator and what recommendations would best support the goal, the group would like your input.

Please click here to participate in this short survey. We greatly appreciate your assistance on this important effort.

Thank you for your time!

Public Viewing of the Oct. 8 Meeting

A recording of the livestreamed meeting is available on the FAA’s YouTube channel.

Topic Recording Link
Trends Subcommittee Update Click here
Awareness Building Subcommittee Update Click here
Funding Subcommittee Update Click here
Expanded Pathways Subcommittee Update Click here
Task Force Open Discussion Click here
Workforce Development through Aviation Museums Click here

6/9/21 - Follow Up on Youth Task Force Meeting

June 9, 2021

On June 9, the FAA held the third public meeting of the Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force. ARSA specifically represents repair stations on the body while also pressing the interests of designers, manufacturers, operators and the broader maintenance community.

The meeting included updates from each of the Task Force’s four subcommittees as well as special presentations from the FAA’s social media team, United Airline’s Aviate Program and the U.S. Air Force Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Meeting Materials

To download the presentations and reference documents used during the meeting, click here.

Public Viewing

Recordings of the livestreamed meeting are available on the FAA’s YouTube channel, with separate videos for the morning (9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT) and afternoon (1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EDT) sessions.


Click the recording links to jump directly to that point of the meeting via YouTube.

Topic Recording Link
Trends Subcommittee Update Click here
Funding Subcommittee Update Click here
Awareness Building Subcommittee Update Click here
Expanded Pathways Subcommittee Update Click here
Task Force Open Discussion Click here
FAA Social Media Approach Click here
United Airlines Aviate Program/Academy Click here
U.S. Air Force Approach to Developing the Workforce Click here

For information about the meeting or the task force in general, review the content on this page or visit the committee page on the FAA website. ARSA encourages industry members to support the effort by sharing workforce development thoughts, questions, needs or lessons learned to

3/31/21 - Youth Task Force Meeting Resources

March 31, 2021

On March 31, the FAA held the second public meeting of the Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force. After an address from FAA Deputy Administrator A. Bradley Mims, the four Task Force subcommittees provided updates on their work along with preliminary recommendations and next steps. After lunch, task representatives welcomed special guest speakers who covered aviation media, underserved populations and emerging technologies.

Meeting Materials: To download the presentations and reference documents used during the meeting, click here.
Recording: The entire meeting recording is available via the FAA’s YouTube channel.
Federal Register Notice:

For information about the meeting or the task force in general, review the content at or visit the committee page on the FAA website. ARSA encourages industry members to support the effort by sharing workforce development thoughts, questions, needs or lessons learned to

1/22/21 - Industry Input on Youth Engagement

January 22, 2021

Last July, ARSA Vice President of Operations Brett Levanto was appointed to the Department of Transportation’s Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force. Since the task force began its work in the late fall of 2020, Levanto and his fellow appointees have been collecting information regarding experiences with youth engagement, career development, workforce needs and industry readiness.

To assist in that work, the association requests input from its members and industry colleagues through the survey below. It was designed by the task force’s subcommittee on trends, on which Levanto serves, and includes a series of open ended questions about programs, practices, successes and impediments for engaging youth.

In your responses, consider both your professional and personal experience. While the questions focus on aviation, you are encouraged to share good or bad experiences or insights from other industries, particularly if there is reasonable crossover into aerospace work.

If the embedded survey does not appear/load, open the survey independently by visiting:

Note: The survey below is in an embedded window and you may need to scroll down within the window to see/click the “Submit” button.

10/13/20 - Youth Task Force Goes Public

October 13, 2020

Update: A live stream of the meeting can be viewed via the FAA’s YouTube channel at

On Oct. 16, the FAA will host the first public meeting of the Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force. ARSA Vice President of Operations Brett Levanto will participate in the meeting as a representative of aircraft repair stations.

The task force’s creation was mandated by the 2018 FAA reauthorization law to encourage high school students to pursue careers in aviation. Its membership was announced in July 2020; participants used the months leading up to the initial public meeting to establish committees and plan for the group’s work (see the July 21 update below for explanation of that work). Levanto selected the Trends subcommittee, which is charged with identifying what encourages or discourages young Americans in pursuing aviation careers.

Virtual Meeting Details

Date: Friday, October 16, 2020
Time: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM ET
Objective: Establish task force baseline; introduce members and discuss their interest in the Task Force; provide an overview of Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) (including roles and responsibilities); and discuss governance.

For information about the meeting or the task force in general, contact or visit the committee page on the FAA website.

7/21/20 - Growing Maintenance via Youth Task Force

July 21, 2020

On July 17, U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao announced the appointment of 20 representatives to the Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force. The task force’s creation was mandated by the 2018 FAA reauthorization law to encourage high school students to pursue careers in aviation. ARSA Vice President of Operations Brett Levanto will represent aircraft repair stations.

The task force will recommend strategies for the FAA to:

(1) Facilitate and encourage U.S. high school students to enroll in and complete career and technical education courses, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
(2) Facilitate and encourage these students to enroll in a course of study related to an aviation career, including aviation manufacturing, engineering, and maintenance.
(3) Identify and develop pathways for students to secure registered apprenticeships, workforce development programs, or careers in the aviation industry of the United States.

Stay tuned for updates as Levanto and the other 19 representatives get to work. ARSA encourages industry members to support the effort by sharing workforce development thoughts, questions, needs or lessons learned to

To review the list of task force appointees, click here.

To learn more about the task force via the FAA’s website, click here.

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