A Repair Station Is A Person Too

In an April 28 letter to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), ARSA joined with the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) to express concern that the agency may require part 121 or 135 air carriers to change their General Maintenance Manuals to prohibit certificated repair stations from issuing an airworthiness release or log entry approving aircraft maintenance for return to service.

The concern stemmed from numerous provisions in FAA guidance indicating that only a certificated mechanic or repairman in an individual capacity could make entries approving maintenance on part 121 or 135 aircraft for return to service.

The Associations pointed out that the FAA’s guidance improperly limited the definition of “person” to individuals not corporations or companies as is stated in the actual regulation. Further §§ 43.3, 43.7 and 145.201(a) allow a repair station to perform and approve maintenance, preventive maintenance and alterations for return to service under its certificate and ratings.

While the person that signs the airworthiness release/log entry must be appropriately qualified and authorized (including certification under part 65), that requirement does not preclude a properly rated repair station from preparing the document and approving the maintenance, preventive maintenance or alterations performed on the carrier’s aircraft for return to service.

ARSA and NATA requested that the agency’s guidance be updated to reflect this reality and provide it with the suggested language.

Click here to view the letter and suggested guidance language.

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