FAA Answers ARSA, A4A on Alternative MTP

On June 13, ARSA joined Airlines for America (A4A) to ask for clarification regarding the use of methods, techniques or practices (MTP) developed by air carriers and maintenance providers. The main question: can maintenance providers use airline-developed information for non-air carrier customers?

The agency responded on July 14. The short answer: yes. When a repair station is given access to section 43.13(c)-developed resources, “the air carrier’s developed information may provide an acceptable MTP for use in performing maintenance, alteration, and preventative maintenance on a non-air carrier article.”

In its response, the FAA considered several scenarios proposed by ARSA and A4A. Maintenance providers are restricted in their use of information that is specific to the carrier’s operation for which it was developed. However, when an airline grants access, the repair station can use the alternative MTP for minor repairs in consultation with its customers. If the work results in a major repair, the appropriate approval from the FAA must be confirmed or obtained.

Since this issue was vital for repair stations and their air carrier customers – ARSA and A4A worked with the agency to obtain the clarification. The Code of Federal Regulations is a complex, ever-developing body of work that depends on constant engagement among and between the regulators and industry for consistent, commonsense application.

To see more about how ARSA and its allies work on behalf of the aviation maintenance industry, visit our ARSA Works page.

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