Symposium: Regulatory Day Wrap-Up

Welcomed by ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod, the 2014 Annual Repair Symposium came to order this morning for a full schedule of presentations, speakers, and panels covering a broad range of regulatory issues.

Some Quotes and Highlights from the Day:

“Unless aviation maintenance is top shelf, we won’t be able to maintain that level of safety [expected by the flying public.]” – Peggy Gilligan, Associate Director for Aviation Safety, FAA

What has ARSA done lately?

ARSA and TeamSAI continue their partnership and discussion of aviation industry economic data.

AIR 2018 – FAA Air Certification Strategic Plan for 2018: see more on FAA TV.

Association managing director and general counsel Marshall Filler presented the Leo Weston Award for Excellence in Government Service to Neil Eisner – former Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and Enforcement at the Department of Transportation.

“We present this award to Neil not [just] because he is a good friend, but because he is a staunch advocate of good government.” – Marshall S. Filler.

“In terms of outcomes based policy, you [ARSA] are the poster child.” – John Sammon, Assistant Administrator, Office of Security Policy and Industry Engagement, TSA.

“Sarah is one of the fiercest advocates for her constituency in the industry. You’re in really good hands.” – Daniel Elwell, Senior VP, Safety, Security, and Operations, Airlines for America.


Thank you to all of our sponsors.

For live updates, be sure to follow @ARSA_MRO on Twitter.

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