Anti-Viral Measures

For the use of its members and the larger aviation community, ARSA is maintaining this page as a resource for virus-related updates on policy initiatives and business needs. Please bookmark this page, as the association’s team will use it as a central point of communication on the topic; information displayed here is current as of the posting date displayed above.

Page Contents

Click a header link to jump to the appropriate portion of the page.

ARSA Updates & Actions

Pandemic Relief Policy Efforts Updated
Getting Access to Relief Funds
International Regulatory Resources
Continuing Business Operations

General Informational Resources

World Health Organization
International Civil Aviation Organization
U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
European Union Aviation Safety Agency
Transport Canada Civil Aviation 
National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil
Civil Aviation Authority of the United Kingdom
Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority
U.S. Department of Transportation
U.S. Department of Treasury
U.S. Small Business Administration
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Recent U.S. Executive Orders

Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors 
Requiring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees 

ARSA Updates & Actions

This section includes communications produced by ARSA and links directly to the relevant page. As issues have developed, new content has been included at the same location as previous, related updates so the entire series of actions can be reviewed at once. Click the title links to open more information.

Pandemic Relief Policy Efforts

DOT Clarifies AMJP Interim Payment Policy New
January 13, 2022
The AMJP is subject to legal constraints preventing payments before recipients have incurred allowable costs. In rolling out the program, the DOT took advantage of leeway in these requirements to make initial disbursements to awardees prior to any expenses; the agency’s clarification explains how additional “interim payments” can be made only to reimburse funds exceeding the initial distribution.

DOT Opens Third Round of Jobs Program Applications
November 8, 2021
On Nov. 8, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced it has re-opened applications for the Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection (AMJP) Program for a third and final round of awards. The government will review applications in the order received until Dec. 13 at exactly 7:59 p.m. EST.

DOT Announces $482 Million in Jobs Program Awards
September 14, 2021
On Sept. 14, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced it will offer $482.3 million in funding to 313 businesses in 37 states and Puerto Rico under the Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection (AMJP) Program. DOT estimates the investment will protect as many as 22,500 jobs nationwide.

DOT Reopens Jobs Program Applications
July 27, 2021
On July 26, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced it will re-open applications for the Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection (AMJP) Program beginning Aug. 4. The secondary application window will remain open for four weeks; submissions are due by Sept. 1 at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

Aviation Relief Program Deadline Looms 
July 2, 2021
As part of its ongoing outreach efforts about the AMJP, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has hosted two webinars – the second on July 1 – to answer industry questions and review the application process.   

Quick Question – The AMJP 
July 1, 2021
As the Department of Transportation collects applications for the American Jobs Protection Program, help the association support industry applications – and keep tabs on government administration – by answering this month’s “quick question.”

Aviation Jobs Protection Program Applications Open
June 15, 2021
On June 15, the U.S. Department of Transportation opened applications for the Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection (AMJP) Program. Submissions are due by 5:00 p.m. EDT on July 13.

Prepare Now for New Aviation Jobs Program 
April 21, 2021
On April 14, 2021, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced the first implementation steps of the AMJP program. Potential applicants should start preparing now or risk missing short deadlines.

New Pandemic Relief for Repair Stations
March 29, 2021
As ARSA members engaged Congress on March 10, lawmakers finalized the most recent pandemic relief bill. President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) into law on March 11. The law extended the existing Payroll Support Program (PSP) with $14 billion for airlines and $1 billion for contractors. It also created a new “Aviation Manufacturing Jobs Protection” PSP specifically for repair stations, aviation manufacturers and their suppliers.

PSP Extension
January 11, 2021
On Jan. 8, the U.S. Department of Treasury published the Payroll Support Program Extension (PSP2) application for passenger air carriers and contractors. The ARSA-supported program was originally created in March 2020 as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act and has since provided assistance to more than 600 companies. PSP2 was created by the Consolidated Appropriations Act when it was enacted in December 2020.

Congress Passes New Pandemic Relief Bill
December 22, 2020
On Dec. 21, the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate both approved the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (H.R. 133, as amended). The legislation combines $900 billion in additional pandemic relief with $1.4 trillion in appropriations and includes policy from a host of other bills. Taken as a whole, the bill is an imperfect but significant achievement and a vital bridge for the industry until Congress can do more in 2021.

COVID Dominates TSA ASAC Meeting
December 13, 2020
The Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC) held its 2020 public meeting (using video teleconference) on Dec. 10.

Report Underscores Need for Improved Repair Station Pandemic Relief
December 13, 2020
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has found that repair stations, airlines, ticket agents and defense contractors received less than half of the $46 billion in emergency loan money authorized for them by Congress in the CARES Act. In a new report titled “Financial Assistance: Lessons Learned from the CARES Act Loan Program for Aviation and Other Eligible Businesses,” the GAO determined that of the $21.9 billion in assistance provided through the targeted loan program, 95 percent went to airlines.

ARSA Joins Multiple Efforts to Improve CARES Act
June 23, 2020
The association supports a number of informal coalitions to expand, protect or change certain elements of U.S. policy intended to provide business relief from the impacts of the current pandemic.

Presidential Order Directs Agency Focus on Relief
May 26, 2020
On May 19, President Trump signed Executive Order 13924, “Regulatory Relief to Support Economic Recovery.” Describing the impact of the current pandemic on American businesses and workers – closures, furloughs and layoffs resulting in 36 million new unemployment claims made over the previous eight weeks – the president directed the U.S. government to rejuvenate the nation’s “economy as well as its health.”

ARSA Urges Congress to Expand Repair Station Access to COVID-19 Relief
May 11, 2020
In a statement submitted to leaders of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee in conjunction with a May 6 hearing on COVID-19’s impact on the aviation industry, ARSA said that despite assistance for the maintenance industry provided by the CARES Act business conditions for repair stations remain dire and thousands of jobs are at risk.

More PPP Money From Congress, New Relief Guidance from Administration
April 23, 2020
Another round of coronavirus relief legislation is on the way to the president’s desk after clearing the House on April 23 and the Senate on April 21. The Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 266) provides $321 billion in additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) created by the CARES Act, as well $60 billion for small business economic disaster loans, $75 billion for hospitals and $25 billion for coronavirus testing.

Treasury Confirms Repair Station Eligibility for $3 Billion Grant Program
April 22, 2020
On April 20, the U.S. Treasury Department issued guidance confirming that repair stations are eligible for grants from the Air Carrier Worker Support (ACWS) program created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act (H.R. 748).

ARSA Urges Treasury to Provide Maximum Benefits to Repair Stations
April 6, 2020
In an April 2 letter to U.S. Department of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, ARSA asked the administration to interpret the most recent pandemic response bill – the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act – to ensure repair stations are able to benefit from relief provided to airline contractors.

Relief Bill is Good News for America’s 250K Aviation Maintenance Workers
March 27, 2020
On March 27, Congress officially responded to the aviation maintenance industry’s pleas for economic assistance in the face of pandemic-related air travel disruptions. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act passed this week by the Senate and House directs specific relief to repair stations and their employees.

Relief Bill Includes Repair Stations
March 26, 2020
On March 25, House, Senate and White House negotiators reached a deal on a massive coronavirus relief package. In addition to resources for healthcare workers and others on the front lines, the legislation contains provisions aimed at businesses. The initial draft includes specific relief for repair stations.

ARSA Proposes $11 billion+ MRO Industry Relief Package
March 17, 2020
ARSA has proposed a maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) industry relief package to Congress and the president designed to ensure repair stations can continue to pay employees and to encourage airlines to continue to contract for maintenance during the downturn.

Getting Access to Relief Funds

Apply, Don’t Run Out of Cash – Tapping into Federal Relief
May 5, 2020 – Members Only; Published in the hotline newsletter
For aviation businesses too large for the PPP (500 or more employees or larger than the applicable SBA small business size standard) or otherwise not eligible (e.g., affiliation rules), there is aid money available from the U.S. Treasury Department and Federal Reserve. There are restrictions and equity winds to navigate and some deadlines have passed (don’t despair); but financial resources for many outside the SBA universe are and will be accessible. To see Givray’s complete analysis, which builds off his original content published publicly on and utilizes the most-recent guidance regarding Treasury Department and Federal Reserve administration of relief programs, members should check out the April 2020 edition of the hotline.

Paying More Attention to the Fed’s Main Street Loans
April 15, 2020
The Fed’s Main Street Lending Program gives companies with up to 10,000 workers or revenues less than $2.5 billion reasons to borrow money from a $600 billion bucket.

On Paying Proper Attention to Title IV CARES ACT Monies
April 7, 2020
Al Givray, law partner at Davis Graham & Stubbs and general counsel to the NORDAM Group LLC, provides a four-step strategy for seeking cash under Title IV of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. Givray is a useful contact for aviation businesses considering how to pursue relief.

International Regulatory Resources

FAA Global Leadership Meeting Goes Online
August 18, 2021
On July 20, the FAA announced plans to host its 8th Annual Global Leadership Meeting in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 22-23. The event will focus on “Restart and Recovery.” On Aug. 18, the agency moved to an entirely-online format after originally advertising an in-person attendance option.

EASA Ramp-Up Safety Week
May 27, 2021
As part of its support for industry “ramp up” of operations post pandemic, EASA will host a Safety Week from June 21-24. The agency will facilitate a series of online events for the public to discuss safety issues with aviation authorities. After a general discussion, each session will focus on particular segments of the aviation community:

EM.TEC Meeting Covers Brexit, Bilaterals and Pandemic Recovery
May 11, 2021
On May 4, ARSA Managing Director and General Counsel Marshall Filler represented the association at a remote meeting of EASA’s Engineering & Maintenance Technical Committee.

From the FAA: Exemptions, Deviations and Other Virus Related Information
Updated as needed.

EASA Releases Virtual Classroom Guidance
August 25, 2020
On Aug. 18, EASA released guidance for allowing virtual classroom instruction and distance learning. The agency document is part of its Return to Normal Operations (RNO) work stream 1.

ICAO Establishing Information Portal
March 27, 2020
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Airworthiness Panel (AIRP) has established a repository for member states to upload relevant information on policies and procedures instituted to handle virus mitigation measures. Since many states are instituting alleviating measures to help deal with the pandemic and ICAO is considering the official end of the COVID-19 contingency period to be March 2021, a central manner of explaining each state’s measure was instituted.

DOT Resources on D&A Testing During Crisis
March 25, 2020
Following up on a March 24 update provided to industry by the FAA, ARSA queried the agency’s Drug Abatement Division regarding its posture on drug and alcohol testing regimens during the current national emergency and was given a prompt response to first refer to the Department of Transportation’s postings on the issues and then to reference the FAA’s own Q&A on any unanswered concerns.

FAA Updates Industry on Oversight Continuity
March 24, 2020
The FAA’s Aviation Safety organization updated the some 20 industry trade associations with the agency’s assurance that it is working to ensure continued operations with respect to certification, oversight, training and industry interfaces and deadlines during the next 90 or more days.

Continuing Business Operations

SBA Pandemic Guidance Resources
June 24, 2021
On June 24, the U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy hosted an online roundtable discussion to review new healthcare and general industry guidance for pandemic safety management.

ARSA Talks Worldwide Pandemic Impacts with Russian Aviation Leaders
October 20, 2020
ARSA Executive Vice President Christian A. Klein traveled (via the magical powers of remote connectivity) to Moscow, Russia on Oct. 20 to participate in the 2020 Regional Aviation of Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Conference.

Top U.S. States Bear Heavy Pandemic Burden
October 20, 2020
The association surveyed its members Oct. 2 to 6 to determine pandemic-related economic disruptions on FAA certificated repair stations in the ten states that employ the most aviation maintenance workers (Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas and Washington).

Training Conference Goes Around the Clock and Across the Globe
October 19, 2020
Responding to pressures from the global pandemic, Halldale reimagined not only presentation methods but also event content for Global ATS-V. Combining the presenters and resources from a number of regional training symposia into a single around-the-clock and across-the-globe series of panels and discussions, the event’s theme has also been updated to reflect the unprecedented times: “Reset, Restart, Rebuild – Collaborating to Develop the Future of Aviation Training.”

MacLeod talks ‘Regulatory Ramifications’ During MRO Asia-Pacific
September 25, 2020
On Sept. 24 , ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod presented for MRO Asia-Pacific Virtual. MacLeod dipped into her decades of global aviation experience to explore “Regulatory Ramifications” of current events and future development in the industry.

TSA Addresses Security During Pandemic
August 12, 2020
The Transportation Security Administration’s Aviation Security Advisory Committee has released a white paper on the impact of the current global health emergency on the aviation insider risk landscape.

Grim Picture of Pandemic’s Impact on Aviation Maintenance
July 28, 2020
The aviation maintenance industry has been decimated by coronavirus-related economic disruptions, a survey by ARSA found. Information reported by respondents will direct the association’s advocacy to arrest revenue declines that have in turn led to significant job losses. If continued economic uncertainty remains unaddressed, the survey results suggest more layoffs are imminent.

FAA to Host Virtual GA Town Hall
June 10, 2020
On Thursday, June 18, the FAA will host a virtual General Aviation Town Hall. The event will be the second in the agency’s series of online discussions related to aviation industry pandemic impacts. It will follow the same general structure of the May 14 Aviation Safety Town Hall (see update below).

ARSA, ATEC Participate in Compliance Webinar Hosted by HAI (Recording Available)
May 15, 2020
ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod and VP of Operations Brett Levanto joined the Aviation Technician Education Council’s Crystal Maguire for a discussion hosted by Helicopter Association International: “Maintenance & Training Compliance During A Global Pandemic.”

Re-live the FAA’s Virtual Aviation Safety Town Hall
May 14, 2020
The two-hour session was kicked off by a recorded introduction by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao and included two separate panel discussions addressing airline safety and crisis management.

ARSA, ATEC to Participate in Compliance Webinar Hosted by HAI
May 12, 2020
On May 14 at 4:00 p.m. EDT, ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod and VP of Operations Brett Levanto will join the Aviation Technician Education Council’s Crystal Maguire for a discussion hosted by Helicopter Association International. Registration is free and open to all.

FAA Guidance on Remote Connectivity
April 23, 2020
Both the Flight Standards and Aircraft Certification Services have now put remote connectivity usage information in writing. The bottom line is the rules allow for the use of such technologies.

Aviation Week Network Webinar – MRO Compliance During COVID-19
April 22, 2020
On April 22, ARSA VP of Operations Brett Levanto joined Carol Giles of the Giles Group, Gregg Brown of MRO Holdings and Aviation Week’s Sean Broderick and Lee Ann Shay to discuss efforts towards flexibility in regulatory oversight in response to the impacts of the current pandemic.

Assessing Pandemic Impacts on Maintenance Markets
April 14, 2020
Though the 2020 Global Fleet & MRO Market Report contemplates the impact of the novel coronavirus on the aviation industry, its analysis was performed well before the scope of the crisis became apparent (which as of this update it still might not have). ARSA is working with its partners at Oliver Wyman to produce new resources to appropriately capture the “new normal” in the industry for 2020 and beyond.

If You’ve Got a Phone, You’ve Got an Inspector
March 20, 2020
The White House has directed government agencies to “utilize the full extent of their legal authority and discretion to execute this realignment” and to “maximize telework … while maintaining mission-critical workforce needs.” For ARSA members in the United States, that means remote connectivity options for connecting with FAA personnel.

Repair Stations as Essential Services
March 20, 2020
Members and association contacts facing stop work or quarantine requirements imposed by state governments should utilize the following information in coordinating response to seek exemption under essential service requirements. When possible, engage with fellow aviation businesses or interest groups such as chambers of commerce and always review state law and business regulations

ARSA Discounts Online Training During COVID-19 Response
March 17, 2020
The ARSA team has been heartened by the growing list of businesses and service providers offering additional benefits to the public as the world responds to the spread of COVID-19. Since some of the association’s members have indicated that personnel development and training will be paramount during the period of upcoming business uncertainty, the team has issued a 50 percent discount on all price levels for ARSA online training sessions.

Return to top of page.

General Informational Resources

World Health Organization – Personal protection, medical research updates and international country/technical guidance.

International Civil Aviation Organization – Q&A for state​s, air transport operators and the general public

U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – Personal protection, local medical guidance and community information.

U.S. Federal Aviation Administration – Agency-specific updates and announcements.

European Union Aviation Safety Agency – European safety directives and resources.

Transport Canada Civil Aviation – Measures, updates, and guidance issued by TCCA.

National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil – Traveler and airline recommendations.

Civil Aviation Authority of the United Kingdom – CAA preparations, industry advice and the rights of UK citizens around the world.

Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority – Exemptions, health information and advice for industry.

U.S. Department of Transportation – Resources, planning documents and references.

U.S. Department of Treasury – Guidance for U.S. economic relief.

U.S. Small Business Administration – Pandemic-related disaster assistance for American companies.

U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration – Guidance and resources for businesses and employees to prevent exposure and infection.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce – Resources for businesses and employees.

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Recent U.S. Executive Orders

Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors
September 9, 2021
This order promotes economy and efficiency in Federal procurement by ensuring that the parties that contract with the Federal Government provide adequate COVID-19 safeguards to their workers performing on or in connection with a Federal Government contract or contract-like instrument as described in section 5(a) of this order. 

Requiring Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Federal Employees
September 9, 2021
It is the policy of this Administration to halt the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), including the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant, by relying on the best available data and science-based public health measures.

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More from ARSA

How the Administrator Can Improve Stakeholder Committees

On Oct. 22, ARSA joined ten other industry organizations including both allied trade associations and independent businesses in requesting FAA Administrator Michael Whitaker’s assistance improving support for agency-convened stakeholder committees.…Read More

Breaking Invisible Walls at Leadership Roundtables

On Oct. 17, ARSA convened its annual Leadership Roundtables with representatives from the FAA, EASA, and 10 allied organizations joined the association’s board of directors for an afternoon of industry…Read More

FAA Suspends Problematic Part 43 Interpretation

On Oct. 15, the FAA responded to a request by ARSA and 15 other industry organizations by suspending a recently released legal interpretation that reversed years of well-established policy and…Read More

Helping FAA Quickly Meet New Foreign Oversight Requirements

On Oct. 4, ARSA joined Aircraft Electronics Association and Airlines for America in confirming for the FAA that new foreign oversight mandates from Congress’ reauthorization law are easily met through…Read More

Survey: Helping the Government’s Work

Researchers from the U.S. Government Accountability Office are auditing the FAA’s requirement that certificate holders waive the right to the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA) to obtain a settlement…Read More