ARSA Symposium – Bringing the Aviation World to You

Next month, ARSA will bring the aviation world to the capital of the United States. American regulators, government officials and aviation stakeholders will be joined by a contingent of international representatives to tackle the issues that matter to the future of maintenance.

On March 17, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Administrator Peter Neffenger will be the symposium’s luncheon speaker. His participation is the result of focused effort: In the wake of TSA’s release of the repair station security rule, ARSA lobbied successfully to include – and then represent – repair stations on the Aviation Security Advisory Committee (ASAC).

Neffenger’s talk is part of a full agenda that kicks off with a keynote address by FAA Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety Peggy Gilligan. Including discussions with experts in technical workforce development, aviation industry analysts and legal matters as well as members of ARSA’s executive team, the symposium will also feature representatives from EASA and the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil (ANAC).

Each year, ARSA provides a platform for the international maintenance community to engage on the issues that impact the industry’s future. Every speaker, panelist and attendee is vital to that engagement. Your colleagues will be in Washington from March 16-18. Come connect with them.

All you have to do is get here and the association will do the rest.

Register now.

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