ARSA Welcomes Pistole to TSA

ALEXANDRIA, VA, July 12, 2010 – On July 12, the Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) congratulated John Pistole on his confirmation as the Transportation Security Agency’s (TSA) new administrator. Stating, “Good security is good business,” ARSA pledged to aid TSA in promoting safety and developing final security rules for foreign and domestic aviation repair stations.

“ARSA welcomes the opportunity to assist in developing TSA’s final repair station security rules in a manner that recognizes that a ‘one-size fits all’ approach is insufficient for a global industry,” wrote ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod in a letter to Pistole. “I look forward to working with you and your team to ensure the final TSA rule promotes safety and security without unnecessary regulatory burdens and costs on the small to medium-sized businesses that are the backbone of our industry.”

TSA’s failure to meet legislative deadlines for issuing repair station security regulations has resulted in Congress punishing the aviation maintenance industry by banning the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from certificating new foreign repair stations. While the agency released its draft rules last fall, the certification prohibition will remain in place until TSA finalizes the rules and conducts security audits of all foreign repair stations.

The FAA’s inability to certificate new repair stations is stifling growth in the aviation maintenance sector, which employs 274,634 American workers and has a $39 billion economic impact on the U.S. economy.

The full text of the letter is available here.

Jason Langford (
Communications Manager
703 739 9543


ARSA is an Alexandria, Virginia-based trade association that represents aviation maintenance and manufacturing companies. The association has a distinguished 25-year record of advocating for repair stations and providing regulatory compliance assistance to the industry.

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