Brett Levanto

FAA Foreign Repair Station Certification Ban Hurting US Aerospace Industry

ALEXANDRIA, VA, November 1, 2011 – The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) inability to certificate new foreign repair stations is preventing U.S. companies from accessing international markets and stifling job creation…Read More

Contractor Withholding Tax Repeal Sails Through House

In a rare moment of bipartisan unity, the House approved, 405-16, legislation (H.R. 674) to repeal the three percent government contractor withholding tax scheduled to take effect in 2013. While…Read More

ARSA Members Are Hiring

WASHINGTON, DC, October 20, 2011 – Job creation may be lagging in the broader economy, but the aviation maintenance industry is open for business. An informal survey of aviation maintenance…Read More

FAA Issues Draft Policy on ICA Restrictions

On Oct. 6, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released a draft policy regarding the availability of instructions for continued airworthiness (ICA). The agency outlines what it believes are inappropriate restrictive…Read More

Foreign Repair Station Certification Ban Got You Down? Tell Us About It

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, Sept. 28, 2011 — The Aeronautical Repair Station Association Executive (ARSA) has launched a survey to measure the impact of the ban on new foreign repair station certificates.…Read More