Brett Levanto

FAA Adopts ARSA’s Recommendations in New Order

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released Order 8300.14, Repair Specification Approval Process, which defines the responsibilities of FAA personnel and designees in approving specifications for major repairs. Repair specifications are…Read More

ARSA Submits Comments on Part 145 NPRM

ARSA has submitted its final comments on the FAA’s proposed changes to 14 CFR part 145. While the Association commented extensively on all areas of the proposed rule, those of…Read More

Recording Major Repairs on Canadian Products

ARSA recently requested that Transport Canada, Civil Aviation Directorate (TCCA) adopt a uniform policy for recording major repairs performed in the U.S. on Canadian aeronautical products. Under the Maintenance Implementation…Read More

EASA and FAA Agree to Further Liberalize Repair Data Reciprocity

Effective April 1, 2007, the United States and EASA have agreed to liberalize the reciprocal acceptance of repair data “exported” between the EU and the U.S. This agreement will provide…Read More

ARSA Testifies Before House Aviation Subcommittee

Washington, D.C.- The vital role of contract maintenance in aviation safety and efficiency was the focal point for the House of Representatives’ Aviation Subcommittee on Thursday, March 29, 2007. The…Read More