Brett Levanto

Act Now

Association members, allies and industry colleagues must support ARSA’s current initiatives to improve aviation policy. Here’s your to-do list for June 2019 (click each page link for more information and…Read More

Mutual Recognition Effort Continues at CABA Meeting

On May 16, the Certification Authorities for Bilateral Agreements and Certification Policy (CABA) met with industry representatives to discuss the latest policy initiatives affecting the four regulatory authorities (FAA, EASA,…Read More

ARSA Finds Technician Shortage Costs Industry $100 Million Per Month

ARSA’s 2019 Member Survey paints a picture of a thriving, international industry whose growth and vitality are being threatened by a chronic shortage of technical workers. Eighty-six companies, representing a…Read More

Industry Illustrates the “Aviation Maintenance Profession”

On May 6, a coalition of 16 aviation industry associations jointly submitted comments to the FAA’s Draft Advisory Circular (AC) 65-30B, “Overview of the Aviation Maintenance Profession.” Led by ARSA,…Read More

Quick Question – ARSA Models, Forms & Advisories

ARSA’s management firm regularly produces publications for use by industry. These advisory documents, compliance forms, business templates and engagement tools were developed to meet specific needs of aircraft maintenance providers…Read More