Aviation Policy

Congress Enacts Legislation to End ATC Furloughs

On April 26, the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation that permits the transfer of up to $253 million from the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP) or any other agency…Read More

ARSA Cautions Congress on Sequestration

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – In response to recent reports that sequestration could delay more than 1,400 ongoing aircraft and parts manufacturing projects and force furloughs for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees,…Read More

US Chamber Joins ARSA in Urging Removal of FAA Foreign Repair Station Ban

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s largest business advocacy group, has joined ARSA in urging lawmakers to end the prohibition on the FAA’s certification of new foreign repair stations.…Read More

FAA to Take Big Hit Under Sequestration

A new report by House Appropriations Committee Democrats details the economic risks from sequestration and warns that the FAA will face significant reductions under the automatic budget cuts slated for…Read More

ARSA Surveys Impact of TSA Inaction

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, January 22, 2013 – The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) has launched a new survey to measure the impact of the ban on new foreign repair station certificates.…Read More