
Inhofe Introduces Bill to Expand Due Process Protections [With ARSA’s Help]

On Feb. 26, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) introduced the Pilot’s Bill of Rights II (S. 571), legislation to expand due process protections for FAA certificate holders.  Companion legislation was also…Read More

ARSA Pushes Back on FEC PAC Solicitation Rules

On Feb. 11, ARSA joined Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) and the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) on comments to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) urging repeal of the…Read More

ARSA to Congress: Overregulation Hinders Growth, Competitiveness

On Jan. 15, ARSA Vice President of Legislative Affairs Daniel B. Fisher laid out the association’s legislative agenda in a letter to congressional leadership. Fisher focused on economic growth, operational…Read More

House Advances Legislation to Tweak Obamacare Workweek Definition

The House took the 114th Congress’s first attempt at altering Obamacare by approving the Save American Workers Act of 2015 on Jan. 8. The legislation, which received the support of…Read More

Saint Louis University Aviation Maintenance/Manufacturing Survey

As with any industry, it is important for aviation maintenance stakeholders to evaluate future knowledge, skills and abilities to support the future needs of the flying public. The Center for…Read More