
FAA to Take Big Hit Under Sequestration

A new report by House Appropriations Committee Democrats details the economic risks from sequestration and warns that the FAA will face significant reductions under the automatic budget cuts slated for…Read More

ARSA Surveys Impact of TSA Inaction

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, January 22, 2013 – The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) has launched a new survey to measure the impact of the ban on new foreign repair station certificates.…Read More

ARSA Welcomes Congress

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – ARSA welcomes new and returning lawmakers to the 113th Congress and looks forward to working with them to ensure that aviation policy strikes the right balance between…Read More

Congress Avoids Fiscal Cliff (for Now)

On Jan. 1, the House agreed to the Senate’s fiscal cliff solution, the American Taxpayer Relief Act (H.R. 8). The legislation prevents massive tax hikes for most Americans and delays…Read More

ARSA Congratulates Huerta on Senate Confirmation

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) Executive Director Sarah MacLeod released the following statement congratulating Michael Huerta on his confirmation to serve as the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA)…Read More