ARSA Works

ARSA Files Brief in Accountable Manager Litigation

On July 17, ARSA filed an amicus brief urging the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider the relationship between the regulatory responsibility of an “accountable manager” and his or…Read More

Quick Question: Tax Accounting for Parts Inventory

As part of the tax reform debate, Congress is considering changing inventory accounting rules and getting rid of the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method.  Companies currently using LIFO could face significant…Read More

ARSA, Allies Take Voluntary Surrender Fight to Congress

On June 18, an ARSA-led coalition of aviation interests asked Congress to direct the FAA to reinstate the right of a repair station to voluntarily surrender its certificate. In its…Read More

Quick Question: Parts Importation

Several ARSA members have approached the association about problems importing aircraft parts into the United States for repair.  Inconsistent application of customs rules has resulted in repair stations paying import…Read More

Quick Question Answered: Time to Onboard a New Technician

For years, the maintenance community has faced recruitment headwinds. According to ARSA’s recently-completed member survey, the vast majority of respondents have difficulty finding technical talent – one of the two…Read More