ARSA News & Updates

ARSA Survey – Industry Rebounds from Pandemic Into Market Questions

ARSA’s 2023 Member Survey, which is conducted during the first quarter of each year, found that the aviation maintenance industry rebounding from COVID business disruptions and anticipating growth despite global…Read More


Newsletter Transition ARSA has taken back control of its periodical distribution and advertising sales. After 15 years of partnership with Multiview, Inc., the association’s team is now in full command…Read More

FAA Can’t Help Itself on IA Renewal Policy

On April 10, the FAA informed providers of Inspection Authorization renewal courses that applications for acceptance can now be made on the new Form 8610-6. The document’s release is part…Read More

Listen Up for Better Regulatory Participation

ARSA encourages members to participate in the rulemaking process and it appears the government is trying to ensure public understanding and involvement. The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)…Read More

“Moving Letter” Added to Tools for Members

ARSA has added a new document to the “tools” it makes available free to members: a “moving letter.” The new template attempts to outline the information a company should provide…Read More