FAA Aims to Streamline Certification Processes

On Wednesday, Sept. 17, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced new policy intended to streamline the Aircraft Certification Service (AIR) process. The new procedures prioritize U.S. aircraft projects and aim to afford increased predictability and improved response time. Under the now-obsolete project sequencing process, which began in 2005, the agency failed to provide certificate applicants with information concerning project timelines.

This new AIR Project Prioritization Process comes in response to recommendations from the Aircraft Certification Process Review and Reform Aviation rulemaking committee. While the certification process still incorporates existing criteria such as the project’s safety benefit, complexity, and company experience to prioritize agency resources, AIR personnel must now communicate with applicants throughout the process. The policy includes strict maximum response times based on a project’s priority.

The agency hopes that these changes enable the industry to retain global competitiveness and improve product to market times. As the FAA implements this new policy, let ARSA know how it affects your business.

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