FAA Releases Limited-function Repair Station Directory

In August, ARSA tested the FAA’s new searchable directory of certificated repair stations. The system, which has been integrated to include all part 141, 142, and 147 in addition to part 145 certificate-holding facilities, includes geographic search functions and rating filters. Search results are limited and do not allow for downloading a complete dataset: the available “crosstab” provides only basic company name and contact information.

ARSA has contacted the FAA regarding additional search and downloading functions. While it seeks full functionality, members may utilize the currently-available search functions at

Previously from ARSA...

10/24/23 - Finding a Repair Station – Directions to the Directory

October 24, 2023

The ARSA team has discovered problems with the “av-info” web system hosting the FAA repair station directory and other certificate databases. Access attempts to the directory, which is still linked from the agency’s page overviewing repair stations, results in a failure message and the agency website reports the “” page does not exist.

The FAA’s web management team reported on Oct. 23 that it was “working diligently to remedy” the system outage and provided a direct link to download source files for all of its public directories, records, and reference tables:

While this resource does not include the search-and-display functionality of the directory, it is useful for reference even after the system is restored. After familiarization with the sub files, users can construct spreadsheets containing data from the same kinds of custom searches performed via the FAA’s interface (that do not allow for custom result exports).

To find a repair station:

(1) On the “main level” page, select “repair stations”.

(2) In the “Tab Delimited Data” area, select and download “”.

(3) Access the text file within the .zip folder.

(4)(a) Use the “find” feature in your text reader to search for the repair station name, OR

(4)(b) Copy and paste the entire contents of the text file into a blank spreadsheet, it will be organized by columns according to the directory headings.

(5) Referencing the Designator (Column H) and Certificate Number (Column I), you can repeat the download/copy/past process for the other “aa145” files to search additional information, e.g., accountable manager identification in “aa145d”.

7/26/23 - Contact Resources - AFS Office Guide (June 2023 Update)

ARSA team members constantly search for resources, guides and tools that might be useful for member compliance activities. This installment was delivered to the association by the FAA Office of Safety Standards:

The office has updated its “Services and Contacts” directory, which is available as a downloadable PDF. The document includes names, contact emails, and office numbers for management and support personnel in each AFS office. It also provides a bulleted list describing each office’s areas of responsibility (e.g., it can be used to determine where to call/email before sending the message) and includes a link to the overall stakeholder feedback form.

The tool is particularly important since the FAA took down its searchable employee directory several years ago, meaning this document is now the primary public tool for finding AFS personnel. Association members are encouraged to bookmark the page hosting the document. The FAA intends to update it regularly, so the industry should routinely return to the source for new versions.

To access the page, click here.

To download a copy of the directory as made available on June 15, click here.

6/6/16 - Federal Register Resources: Mastering the CFR

June 6, 2016

ARSA team members constantly search for resources, guides and tools that might be useful for our members as they work to ensure global aviation safety. This installment comes from the Office of the Federal Register:

Regulatory compliance demands a deep knowledge of the rules. To develop and maintain such acumen requires effective navigation of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). To get tips from the keepers of the code and get answers to frequently asked questions, check out the Office of the Federal Register’s video series Mastering the CFR.

Click here to get started.

To go directly to the Federal Register, visit:

To go directly to the electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) – which is linked so often in ARSA communications and training – visit:

11/17/14 - Global Business Resources: IATA Mobilization Initiative

8/4/15 - FAA Resources: Attend the Academy

August 4, 2015

This installment comes from the FAA Academy; its doors are open.

The academy provides technical and managerial training and development for the government’s workforce as well as the aviation community on topics including regulatory standards, safety training and technical operations. Attendance at an academy course is an opportunity for maintenance providers to engage directly with the agency and learn about its position on key issues.

Finding a Class

  • Access the academy’s online course catalog at
  • Browse scheduled classes through each category presented on the catalog’s main page by clicking on the linked category name of interest.
  • Click on “Search Training Items” to search all potential classes (regardless of schedule) by number or keyword.
  • Click on “Search Schedule Offerings” to search scheduled classes by number.
  • On any results screen, click the linked “Item No.” to see course details, including description and upcoming schedule.

Determining Cost

Request Training

  • Provide contact information and details about requested course or courses through the academy’s training request portal.
  • For questions or other issues, click here to access AMA-200’s contact information.

November 17, 2014

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) launched the Mobilization Initiative to maximize the use of Simplified Interline Settlement (SIS) e-invoicing and its benefits to airlines’ direct operating cost suppliers including MROs (parts and services), airports, catering companies, ground handling and air navigation system providers.

The initiative is a means to standardize and simplify financial processes across the wide community of airline industry partners. The benefits of SIS e-invoicing include: electronic data interchange (EDI) at a worldwide scale with any participating airline, multi-party information sharing via a single connection, compliant e-invoicing in 42 countries, traceability, basic data validation and dispute process.

Currently, there are more than 200 suppliers (Messier-Bugatti, GE, Lufthansa Technik, etc.), 500 business jets, charters and low cost carriers as well as nearly 600 legacy airlines on the platform. The community is growing rapidly – it can be a repair station’s window into an interconnected, lucrative world.

Additional Resources

For more information please contact the IATA Mobilization Team at:

8/11/14 - Aviation Resources: Government-Provided Training

August 11, 2014

ARSA staff members frequently search for resources, guides and tools that might be useful for our members as they work to ensure global aviation safety.

We know ARSA’s training center is your first stop for regulatory compliance, business development, and operations knowledge. However, government agencies across the world provide training and educational resources that can help your business manage international regulatory burdens and thrive in the international marketplace.

To explore what is out there, visit ARSA’s resources page.

6/23/14 - FAA Resources: Defining Moments in Aviation History

June 23, 2014

ARSA staff members frequently search for resources, guides, and tools that might be useful for our members as they work to ensure global aviation safety. Today’s installment comes from the Federal Aviation Administration’s‘ Celebrating a History of Excellence,’ a page devoted to American aviation history.

Historical Resources

The historical webpage contains exciting articles, photos, chronological timelines, and anecdotes designed to provide insight into the history of FAA involvement in aviation in the United States. The stories regarding aviation range from the story of Geraldine “Jerrie” Mock, also known as “The Flying Housewife,” to emergency action taken during the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center in New York City. The page also features stories pertaining to more scandalous issues, such as whether the FAA headquarters was the past home of slave pens and agency action in the infamous Watergate brigade.

A short Excerpt from Ronald Lamb, Jr.’s ‘FAA and Watergate’

ButterfieldImage“In January 1973, five men were convicted for the Watergate break-in, and former Nixon aides, G. Gordon Liddy and James McCord were convicted of conspiracy, burglary, and wiretapping. Convinced that the scandal went deeper than just the break-in, Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein kept the break-in front page news. The Senate began its own investigation, and established the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities. In May the Senate committee began hearings. As the hearings proceeded, evidence pointed to Nixon’s direct involvement in the scandal. FAA Administrator Alexander Butterfield’s public disclosure of the existence of a secret White House taping system during the hearings, which proved President Nixon’s involvement in the scandal, ultimately led to Nixon’s resignation on August 9, 1974… Butterfield’s responsibilities involved setting Nixon’s schedule and maintaining historical records. He also supervised internal security for the White House. In this capacity, he oversaw the installation of a secret, voice-activated taping system in the White House…

“In public testimony on July 16, 1973, when asked specifically if White House conversations were recorded, Butterfield replied, “Everything was taped . . . as long as the president was in attendance. There was not so much of a hint that something should not be taped.” After Butterfield’s testimony, a protracted legal battle ensued between the White House and the prosecutors trying to gain access to the tapes. Facing impeachment by the House and removal from office by the Senate, on August 9, 1974 Nixon resigned the presidency. Although Butterfield was not involved in the Watergate cover-up and did not face any criminal consequences, his political career became irreparably tarnished among many Republicans…”
To see the entire ‘Celebrating History’ collection, click here.

For more international aviation resources, click here.

5/1/14 - CASA Resources: Human Factors

ARSA staff continually search for resources, guides, and tools that might be useful for our members as they work to ensure global aviation safety. Today’s installment comes from the Land Down Under via the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

Human Factors
The term human factors refers to a wide range of issues that affect how people perform tasks in various environments. Whether a technician is performing line maintenance, a comprehensive avionics check, or at home preparing dinner for family, there are a variety of social and personal skills that complement the necessary technical acumen for appropriately completing their work.

By fully exploring and understanding the human capabilities and limitations involved in maintenance operations, your business can develop the best possible fit between your people and the technical systems in which they work.

CASA Resources
CASA’s Human Factors for Engineers resource kit contains a series of guides, workbooks, and videos designed to provide a strong focus on human factors training within the aviation environment. This content includes:

  • A variety of useful models (including PEAR—People, Environment, Actions, Resources) for managing human factors in maintenance
  • A series of practical examples
  • International regulatory requirements (including FAA documents),
  • Strategies for mitigating problems

Praise from the FAA
Recently the Federal Aviation Administration’s chief technical and scientific advisor, Dr Bill Johnson, praised CASA’s human factors training resources. “I have never seen a more professional and comprehensive package,” Mr Johnson said. “It is the new international yardstick (or metric ruler) by which other human factors training programs will be measured.”

To access the resource kit: click here.
To access CASA’s full list of online offerings: click here.

Excerpt from CASA’s Human Factors Resource Guide for Engineers:

Using the ‘Rule of three’ in the field
One of the company’s Cessna 31Os has encountered a propeller control problem en route and has diverted to an intermediate field for a precautionary landing. The pilot reports that the aircraft has diverted and is now AOG. The company has dispatched you and the maintenance supervisor to sort out the problem. The passengers have been picked up and delivered to their destination in the spare aircraft. The chief pilot wants the aircraft repaired and returned to base as soon as possible the following day to pick up a charter the following evening.

The aircraft requires a prop change. It’s been a long day and you and the maintenance supervisor are approaching the end of your duty limits – a situation classified as ‘amber’ (use caution).The aircraft is parked in the open beside the aero club hangar. The weather has turned very blustery and a rain cell is approaching – again, amber. The sun is about to go down and although you have powerful hand-held torches (flashlights), the lack of lighting could cause difficulties with the prop change – amber.

Three ambers mean STOP. You now need to re-assess the situation. What options are there?

  • When is the aircraft actually required back at base?
  • Can you delay the task until the weather improves?
  • Can the prop change wait until first light tomorrow?
  • Is it possible to contact the on-site aero club to request the use of their hangar?

After you have reviewed the options, you have to decide how you will manage the risk. That answer depends on the context.

Your enquiries reveal that the spare aircraft can actually pick up tomorrow afternoon’s charter; and the president of the aero club has offered the aero club hangar for you to complete the prop change. Rather than just ‘getting on with it’, stopping, taking the time to find out more and review your options now substantially reduces the risk level associated with the task.

3/13/13 - Check Out the New Resources Page!

March 13, 2013

In Oct. 2012, ARSA launched a new, more user-friendly website. Since that time, the Association has been working to continually update the site with useful content to help guide you through the complex maze of regulations.

Continuing that effort, the Association recently created a new resources page containing links related to regulations posted on the FAA website, relevant congressional committee websites, and other government agencies affecting the aviation industry.

On the international front, the new page provides links to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) website and other international civil aviation authorities, domestic and international aviation organizations, and industry press.

Visit ARSA’s resource page today to check out this continually growing list to guide you through the world of aviation.

Keep up-to-date on all the resources vital to the aviation maintenance world at the associations resources page.

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