Summer Survey’s Telling Results

Though we are still crunching the numbers, there are a few major takeaways from the 175 responses to our summer survey that reinforce the importance of ARSA’s advocacy efforts.

Repair manual availability remains a problem for repair stations. Fifty-seven percent of respondents said they had trouble obtaining ICA from one or more manufacturers in the past year. While just over half (51 percent) of respondents were familiar with the FAA recent ICA policy and legal interpretation, 60 percent remained skeptical either would improve access to ICA.

The industry also has serious concerns over the current ban on FAA certification of new foreign repair stations. Of the respondents, 71 percent indicate that potential EASA retaliation against U.S. EASA approval holders would have a major or devastating impact on profitability, and would threaten the ability to stay in business. These results underscore the economic damage that could result if the TSA does not heed the industry’s call to lift the ban by immediately issuing congressionally-mandated repair stations security rules.

ARSA would like to thank everyone who took the time to participate in the summer survey; each answer enables the Association to serve its members and the industry better.

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