Continued Airworthiness

ARSA Survey – Workforce Remains Top Concern

ARSA’s 2022 member survey paints a picture of an industry slowly recovering from the pandemic but still suffering a severe labor shortage. In total, 108 member companies from around the…Read More

FAA Issues WebOPSS Access Workaround

The FAA will miss the June 15 deadline for updating its WebOPSS system to operate in the Microsoft Edge browser. Microsoft will decommission Internet Explorer, which was required for accessing…Read More

Pulling the Cord on Parachute ADs

Update: On May 17, ARSA provided a copy of its comments to to the Department of Transportation Office of General Counsel as follow up to its Dec. 3, 2021 letter…Read More

Quick Question – Remote Connectivity

Beginning in 2018, ARSA and its industry allies jointly engaged the FAA on “guidance for using remote connectivity technology and tools.” Despite quick agreement from the agency, promises to follow…Read More

ARSA Doubly Recognizes Latimer’s Impact

On March 10, ARSA bestowed its oldest and newest honors on long-time association volunteer leader David Latimer, HAECO Americas vice president of regulatory compliance. Retiring after decades in service to…Read More