FAA Modernization and Reform Act

ARSA Stands Up for FAA Stakeholder Engagement, Delegation

In an April 24 letter to leaders of the House Transportation & Infrastructure and Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committees, the association expressed its concerns about statements and proposals by…Read More

ARSA Joins Effort to Limit Shutdown Impacts

Even as Congress worked to finalize an agreement to prevent another shutdown and fund the federal government through the end of September, lawmakers were considering ways to insulate the aviation…Read More

What Election 2018 Means for Maintenance

The dust from the 2018 midterm elections is still settling, but here are some initial thoughts on what the results mean for ARSA members: House Freshman Class Creates Risks and…Read More

ARSA’s Klein Hails FAA Bill as “Historic Victory”

Jan. 1, 2019 Update: Since the FAA Bill’s passage, ARSA has been dissecting each section of the final law that will have some impact on the aviation maintenance community. To…Read More

Unified Agenda Provides Insight into 2018 Rulemaking Priorities

On Dec. 18, the Trump Administration unveiled its Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions for 2018. The document provides insights about the priorities and planned actions of executive branch…Read More