Instructions for Continued Airworthiness

Take Part in the FAA’s Engine Safety Review

On Oct. 24, the FAA will host a one-day Engine & Airframe-Engine Integration Safety Summit. Industry participation is encouraged. The purpose of the summit is to review and analyze engine-related…Read More

ARSA Finds Technician Shortage Costs Industry $100 Million Per Month

ARSA’s 2019 Member Survey paints a picture of a thriving, international industry whose growth and vitality are being threatened by a chronic shortage of technical workers. Eighty-six companies, representing a…Read More

UPDATED: IATA-CFMI Agreement Review

UPDATE: As reported by MRO Network, the commercial agreement between IATA and CFMI takes effect on Feb. 28, seven months after its signature. The resources linked from the following post have…Read More

Klein, Levanto Complete Hour-Long European Tour

On Jan. 23, ARSA’s Christian A. Klein and Brett Levanto briefed the Embassy Aviation Attaches Assembly at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington, D.C. The body, which meets regularly, is…Read More

What Election 2018 Means for Maintenance

The dust from the 2018 midterm elections is still settling, but here are some initial thoughts on what the results mean for ARSA members: House Freshman Class Creates Risks and…Read More