
Homework Assignment – Teach at a Local School

ARSA members should be accustomed to the association’s general encouragement to get involved in the community. For the sake of good corporate citizenship and long-term workforce development, there are plenty…Read More

ARSA Finds Technician Shortage Costs Industry $100 Million Per Month

ARSA’s 2019 Member Survey paints a picture of a thriving, international industry whose growth and vitality are being threatened by a chronic shortage of technical workers. Eighty-six companies, representing a…Read More

Quick Question – ARSA Models, Forms & Advisories

ARSA’s management firm regularly produces publications for use by industry. These advisory documents, compliance forms, business templates and engagement tools were developed to meet specific needs of aircraft maintenance providers…Read More

ARSA Joins Effort to Limit Shutdown Impacts

Even as Congress worked to finalize an agreement to prevent another shutdown and fund the federal government through the end of September, lawmakers were considering ways to insulate the aviation…Read More

On-Demand Training – Preparing for, Receiving & Responding to an LOI or NPCP

Produced at the end of 2018, these three online training sessions build on the association’s “dealing with the government” resources to provide applied skills in managing letters of investigation and…Read More