the hotline

ARSA’s monthly publication, the hotline, is devoted to regulatory compliance in aircraft design, production and maintenance.

It reaches readers in hundreds of member companies including certificated repair stations, manufacturers, air carriers and suppliers, as well as government agencies worldwide.

The newsletter brings you the latest FAA and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) news, advisory circulars, proposed rules and expert analysis of legislation affecting repair stations.

The newsletter is a PDF file for high-quality computer display in the free Adobe Reader and compatible software.

the hotline is a copyrighted publication for the exclusive use of ARSA members and federal employees on our mailing list. They may receive the newsletter free of charge. When an issue is ready, they receive an email message containing a Web link to the new issue.

Circulation Statement

Free Issue Registration

Non-members may request three back issues to provide an opportunity to consider membership. To make your request, email us your name, title, company name, street address, city, state and postal code; your telephone numbers and email address.

Advertise in the hotline
You need to get the most out of every dollar you spend. But if you do business in the MRO industry and you’re not advertising in the hotline, you’re not maximizing your advertising dollars. Consider these facts*:

  • ARSA is the MRO industry! Our regular members are certificated repair stations that maintain civil aircraft, aircraft products, and related components for customers worldwide. ARSA members also design, produce and distribute parts to international civil aviation businesses.
  • the hotline, ARSA’s flagship publication, has been a leading source of news and regulatory compliance information for the MRO industry for more than two decades.
  • ARSA members rate the hotline as one of the association’s top benefits.
  • ARSA members read the hotline more than any other aviation industry publication.
  • Seventy-seven percent of ARSA members read the hotline every month and close to half read each issue cover to cover! By contrast, just 23 percent of ARSA members report reading Aviation Maintenance & Technology, 16 percent read Aviation Week, and 16 percent read Overhaul & Maintenance. No other aviation industry publication had more than 10 percent market penetration with our members.
  • Each monthly issue of the hotline is read by more than 4,000 aviation industry professionals.
  • AND our rates are less than half of what you would pay to advertise in other aviation industry publications!

Don’t delay. Click here to learn more and download an advertising order form!


*Source: ARSA Member Survey

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