UAS Integration Must Not Distract FAA’s Safety Focus

On Nov. 8, ARSA joined 20 of its industry partners on a letter to Acting FAA Administrator Michael Huerta cautioning that Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) integration must not distract from the agency’s safety mission.

The introduction of UAS should not limit access to airspace or require modifications to the existing fleet beyond what is necessary to accommodate NextGen, the letter stated. The FAA must ensure that it remains the nation’s preeminent air space manager and not let UAS introduction hinder certifications of civil aircraft, repair stations, or operators. The signatories also advised the FAA that any privacy issues related to UAS integration should be handled by other federal agencies with expertise and jurisdiction over such matters.

Recognizing that the future of aviation undoubtedly includes remotely piloted aircraft, the industry leaders expressed their willingness to work with the FAA to bring UAS into American skies in a way that does not detriment the current aviation system.

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