Jet Center MFR’s Hudnall Announced as New ARSA President

ARSA’s board of directors has announced the election of its new president: Gary Hudnall, general manager of Jet Center MFR in Medford, Oregon. The selection was made during the board’s October meeting in Washington, D.C.

Hudnall represents a full service family-owned repair station in Southern Oregon which began handling aviation needs throughout the Pacific Northwest and Northern California in 1967. He most recently served the ARSA board as vice president and secretary before ascending to the top leadership position of the volunteer body. The 2014 board president and SONICO, Inc. Vice President, Jim Perdue, continues on as a board member and valuable resource to the association’s leadership.

“With the support of my fellow board members, including [past president] Jim [Perdue], ARSA will continue to be a strong voice of the aviation maintenance industry in 2016.“ said Hudnall. “We will advocate for the industry as Congress reauthorizes the FAA, help repair stations bridge the skills gap as they build their workforces of the future and continue to offer world-class support and resources to association members. This is important work: The world can’t fly without us.”

Warner Calvo, quality and safety director of Coopesa, R.L. in Alajuela, Costa Rica, is now board vice president, while Basil Barimo, executive vice president of NORDAM in Tulsa, Oklahoma serves as board treasurer.

The ARSA board of directors represents a broad range of international maintenance interests. To learn more about the 2016 directorship, visit

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