Brett Levanto

ARSA Files Formal Complaint Against Rolls-Royce Over ICA

ARSA has filed a formal complaint with the FAA against the Rolls-Royce Corporation. The complaint alleges that Rolls-Royce has not provided basic safety information about its engine as required by…Read More

Safety is Good Business, ARSA Tells Senate Aviation Panel

Association provides perspectives on exemplary safety record and oversight of aviation contract maintenance providers WASHINGTON, D.C., November 17, 2005 – Christian A. Klein, legislative counsel for the Aeronautical Repair Station…Read More

ARSA Testimony on Contract Maintenance, Audit Survey Results

On November 17, 2005, Christian A. Klein, ARSA’s Legislative Counsel, presented testimony before the Aviation Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee. The hearing focused on aviation safety.…Read More

Update: ARSA Asks FAA to Amend Hazmat Training Rule

The FAA has issued a final rule on hazardous materials (hazmat) training requirements. The rule affects Part 121 and Part 135 operators and persons working for or on behalf of…Read More

Parts 121 and 145: ATOS Guidance on the Air Carrier/Maintenance Provider Relationship

HBAW 05-07A, Enhanced Repair Station & Air Carrier Oversight Program The FAA recently released updates to a series of Handbook Bulletins containing the framework for applying a new risk-based oversight…Read More