ARSA News & Updates

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Click here to contribute! The PPC is an easy way to take a stand to defend the aviation maintenance industry from reporting that seeks to disparage the industry based on…Read More

Positive Publicity on a Shoestring: ARSA’s Advocacy for Contract Maintenance

Click here to contribute! Despite its limited resources, ARSA leads the response to the assault on contract maintenance, both legislatively and in the media. ARSA is the primary source of…Read More

Why You Should Support the PPC

Click here to contribute! Sometimes the best defense is a good offense, and the Positive Publicity Campaign (PPC) is the aviation maintenance industry’s proactive effort to improve the operating climate…Read More

FAA Extends Compliance Date of Drug & Alcohol Testing Rule

The FAA has issued a new final rule delaying the date by which the industry must comply with the January 10, 2006 drug & alcohol testing rule. While the effective…Read More

International Law and Compliance for the Aviation Business

International Law and Compliance for the Aviation Business helps you get up to speed on U.S. and international regulation. It covers contracts between certificate holders, suppliers, sub-tier vendors, service providers…Read More